5 Moving Tips for Seniors
Moving home is challenging and stressful for anyone, but it can be even more difficult for older adults. If you’ve been living in your family home for a long time and have accumulated a lot of possessions, the logistics of downsizing or moving may feel overwhelming. Consider these tips from The Senior Coalition to make the process go more smoothly.
1. Start Packing Early
Whether you’re downsizing or going to become one of the 4.5% of older adults who live in a nursing home or other long-term care setting, you’re unlikely to need all the household items you’ve acquired over time. Start packing early so you can go through all your possessions at your own pace and figure out what you’d like to keep.
2. Hire a Senior Moving Manager
Traditional moving companies are good at helping families move quickly but may lack the experience and empathy required to work with older adults who are struggling with the practicalities of moving, especially if the move involves downsizing. A senior moving professional can help take some of the stress out of moving while still leaving control over major decisions in the senior’s hands.
3. Give Gifts Rather Than Throw Stuff Away
Getting rid of sentimental possessions can be hard for some people, especially those who tend to be nostalgic. Some individuals find it easier to get rid of old possessions if they take photographs of them to preserve the good memories associated with the item. Others may find giving away valuable items to loved ones, or donating useful items to charity, is more palatable than throwing them away.
4. Rekey the Locks in Your New Home
It’s important to feel safe and secure in the new house. Hiring a locksmith to rekey your locks, or change the locks if required, is an important step. The average cost to rekey a door is between $50 and $150, but prices can vary depending on where you live. Whatever the price, it’s worth it for the peace of mind and increased security it offers. Start with a quick search on a platform like Angi: locksmith near me or similar.
5. Plan Something Special to Help Yourself Settle In
Even if you go to great lengths to make moving home less stressful, there’s still that feeling of “What next?” when you’ve completed the move. Pack an overnight bag so there’s no need to worry about unpacking boxes that first night, and plan something you’ll enjoy so you can relax and get used to the new surroundings. That could be watching a favorite movie, inviting some friends over to play bridge, or giving your grandchildren a video tour to share the excitement. Whatever you do, try to make that first night an enjoyable one.
Bonus: Look Forward to the Next Chapter of Your Life
There will always be mixed emotions about moving home, but for many seniors, it’s an important step that helps them live healthy, happy, and independent lives. Focus on the positives and it’ll be easier to take that step and enjoy all the benefits your new home has to offer.
For more advice and resources in navigating life after retirement, explore The Senior Coalition website and blog today!